Monday, December 20, 2010

Good enough to frame

Had I been in London this month, I'd have gone to StolenSpace gallery to see this exhibition on the art of the book cover.
The gallery, in conjunction with Penguin, invited artists to 'paint, print, photograph, whatever their medium, whatever their style...create a book cover for a novel of their choice, a book that has inspired them, a book that has had a profound impact on them or a book that they remember fondly as a child...original artwork created to the traditional format and size of a Penguin book 198mm (h) x 129mm (w).'
The results were a visual feast and included new interpretations of old classics like The War Of The Worlds, The Cat In The Hat, Nineteen Eighty-Four and 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.
Had I been in London, and had I been an artist....I would have designed a book cover for Laurens van der Post's The Hunter and the Whale... 
What book would you choose?


evaf said...

It would probably be a bit creepy to actually read the '20000 leagues' one but it looks fantastic!

Is there a book called 'blank page' because that's about the level of artistic ability.

Rubyfire Writes said...

You underestimate yourself Eva, I dare you to come to life drawing and prove yourself wrong!