Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Word Cup of Football

My sole interest in the 2010 FIFA World Cup lies in checking out the space-age stadiums and trying to spot my Japie mates in the crowd. Hello Thorntons hello Spencers hello BreadHead!
Then Doris from Sandton sent me this enchanting fan photo from the Boston Globe, which was crying out to be shared, so I got to thinking about the World Cup and literature (which incidentally, if you make a typo when spelling as I just did, comes out as Word Cup...ha!).
Anyhow, there is a link. Ben Schott, author of Schott's Original Miscellany and subsequent volumes, writes a blog for the New York Times called Schott's Vocab, which he describes as: 'a repository of unconsidered lexicographical trifles - some serious, others frivolous, some neologized, others newly newsworthy...'
He's created an almanac of facts and statistics pertaining to the Soccer World Cup which kicked off in South Africa last Friday.
Soccerphiles can check out all the gory details in his Schott Op-Chart: Soccer World Cup Miscellany.
To see the complete collection of images in the Globe's brilliant World Cup photo essay, click here.

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