Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Computing undercover...

What will those tricky computer bag designers think of next? 
Hmmm... do you reckon this is for: the book lover who has everything; the pretentious creative; the Mac-geek; the guilt-ridden (but stealthy) e-book convert; the wannabe intellectual; or just the quirky cat with a sense of humour and a taste for individuality?
I kinda like it. Especially the plush red leather zipper pull (cleverly disguised as a bookmark). And, if some greedy rascal spies your first edition T.S. Eliot Collected Works on the coffee table and nicks it, all they'll get is your shiny new Mac. So the joke's on them. 
You can buy one here.

1 comment:

coelho said...

my friend at work ordered one of these - realy cool!